Sports Netting By-The-Metre
Sports Netting by-the-metre: 40mm SQ (36ply)
Sports Netting by-the-metre: 40mm SQ (Heavy Duty 48ply)
Sports Netting by-the-metre: 10m Wide 100mm SQ
BY-THE-METRE : Knotless Polyester 22mm 200Ply / 3.5mm
Sports Netting by-the-metre: Knotless Polyester 50mm 240Ply
Sports Netting by-the-metre: Knotless Nylon 30mm Sq 72ply
Sports Netting by-the-metre: 100mm SQ Black
Haverford sports netting is known for its durability and strength, making it an ideal choice for heavy-duty and frequent use. Whether it's for a football field, a cricket pitch, or a backyard practice area, our nets are designed to withstand the rigours of any sport.
Haverford is proud to be Australia's leading supplier of sports netting by-the-metre, offering immediate shipping on selected types of sports nets. We aim to provide a seamless shopping experience, with the flexibility to choose the exact length of netting you require.
Haverford are Australia's leading supplier of sports netting by-the-metre. This service is available on selected types of sports nets available for immediate shipping. All pricing on custom, by the metre sports netting is calculated per linear metre.