Sports Netting By-The-Metre

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Sports Netting by-the-metre: 40mm SQ (36ply)

From $8.50
To order 40mm Sports Netting by the meter : Select Your Width & Colour (where available) Enter the number of lineal metres you require in the Quantity Field (whole metres only...

Sports Netting by-the-metre: 40mm SQ (Heavy Duty 48ply)

From $18.00
To order 40mm Sports Netting "by-the-metre": Select Your Width & Colour (where available) Enter the number of lineal metres you require in the Quantity Field (whole metres only no decimals)(the...

Sports Netting by-the-metre: 10m Wide 100mm SQ

To order 100mm Sports Netting by the metre: Select Your Width & Colour (where available) Enter the number of lineal metres you require in the Quantity Field (whole metres only...

BY-THE-METRE : Knotless Polyester 22mm 200Ply / 3.5mm

Width of netting: 4m To order 22mm Netting "by-the-metre": Select Your Width & Colour (where available) Enter the number of lineal metres you require in the Quantity Field (whole metres...

Sports Netting by-the-metre: Knotless Polyester 50mm 240Ply

Width of netting: 4m To order 50mm Polyester Netting "by-the-metre": Select Your Width & Colour (where available) Enter the number of lineal metres you require in the Quantity Field (whole metres...

Sports Netting by-the-metre: Knotless Nylon 30mm Sq 72ply

Width of netting: 3m To order 30mm Netting "by-the-metre": Select Your Width & Colour (where available) Enter the number of lineal metres you require in the Quantity Field (whole metres...

Sports Netting by-the-metre: 100mm SQ Black

From $24.50
To order 100mm Sports Netting by the metre : Select Your Width & Colour (where available) Enter the number of lineal metres you require in the Quantity Field (whole metres...

Haverford sports netting is known for its durability and strength, making it an ideal choice for heavy-duty and frequent use. Whether it's for a football field, a cricket pitch, or a backyard practice area, our nets are designed to withstand the rigours of any sport.

Haverford is proud to be Australia's leading supplier of sports netting by-the-metre, offering immediate shipping on selected types of sports nets. We aim to provide a seamless shopping experience, with the flexibility to choose the exact length of netting you require.

Haverford are Australia's leading supplier of sports netting by-the-metre. This service is available on selected types of sports nets available for immediate shipping. All pricing on custom, by the metre sports netting is calculated per linear metre.